Extracts From Letters Written by the Universal House…

Bahá’u’lláh, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi
Original English

Extracts From Letters Written by the Universal House of Justice:

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The marvellous victories won in the name of Bahá’u’lláh, … and the triumphs increasingly being achieved by His dedicated and ardent lovers in every land, will no doubt serve to rouse the internal and external enemies of the Faith to fresh attempts to attack the Faith and dampen the enthusiasm of its supporters…

…the progressive unfoldment and onward march of the Faith of God are bound to raise up adversaries, indubitably foreshadowing the world-wide opposition which is to come, and unequivocally giving the assurance of ultimate victory.

We feel strongly that ... the time has come for them [the friends] to clearly grasp the inevitability of the critical contests which lie ahead, give you their full support in repelling with confidence and determination “the darts” which will be levelled against them by “their present enemies, as well as those whom Providence will, through His mysterious dispensations raise up from within or from without,” and aid and enable the Faith of God to scale loftier heights, win more signal triumphs, and traverse more vital stages in its predestined course to complete victory and world-wide ascendancy.

The Universal House of Justice, 26 November 1974 to all National Spiritual Assemblies
